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HOFS in high-risk system design projects
Posté le 20/05/2015
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HOFS in high-risk system design projectsValidé traduit


  • Auteurs / Intervenants :
    François Daniellou
  • Collection :
    Cahiers de la sécurité industrielle - Aides à la réflexion
  • Date de publication :
    July 2013
  • Langue de la ressource :
  • Origine :
  • Volume :
    84 pages
  • Type de ressource :
  • What does a human and organisational factors of safety/HOFS approach bring to design? It enables you to anticipate human work in the future, determined by technical and organisational choices made at every stage in the design process, assess probable difficulties, and adjust design decisions in a timely manner.

    The proper consideration of HOFS in a high-risk system design project necessitates a strong, determined project owner, a precise understanding of roles with the project manager, and the participation of the various stakeholders, notably operators. The steps in the HOFS approach must be planned from the start of the pre-project stage and continue until the post start-up evaluation.

    This Cahier de la sécurité industrielle is based on the results of 30 years of international research on the sociotechnical conduct of investments and the experience of the members of the "HOFS in project management" working group, led by ICSI. The 3 chapters focus on organising stakeholders, the HOFS approach, project site preparation, and start-up.


    To identify the principles related to HOFS in order to integrate them in designing high-risk systems.

    About the author

    François Daniellou is Professor of Ergonomics at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Cognitique (National Higher Institute of Cognitive Science) at the Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux (Bordeaux Polytechnic Institute). As Head of the Department of system ergonomics, his research focuses specifically on human factors in high-risk industries. In this regard, he collaborates with the Institute for an Industrial Safety Culture.

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