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Management practices and commitment
Posté le 20/05/2015
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Management practices and commitmentValidé traduit


  • Auteurs / Intervenants :
    Isaac Getz
  • Collection :
    Entretiens de l'ICSI
  • Date de publication :
    September 2014
  • Langue de la ressource :
  • Origine :
  • Volume :
  • Type de ressource :
  • In this video, Isaac Getz addresses two questions:

    • How to develop and encourage field group initiatives when the organisation has a formalised management approach to safety?
    • Do you think that management practices hinder employee commitment and involvement?

    Today, there is inconsistency between the top/down approach of companies and their desire to involve their employees more fully. Hence the necessity of transforming the organisation's management methods , which are the cause of this lack of involvement, in order to create conditions where employees become enthusiastic and committed to acting for the good their company.

    About the speaker

    Isaac Getz is Professor of leadership and innovation at ESCP Europe and has a PhD in Psychology. He has published numerous research articles on idea management, innovation and creativity, organisational transformation, and liberating leadership. He is also co-author of Liberté & Cie (Liberty & Co.) (Fayard 2012/Flammarion 2013/Freedom, Inc. 2009).

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