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The causality credo
Posté le 05/06/2015
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The causality credoValidé traduit


  • Auteurs / Intervenants :
    Erik Hollnagel
  • Collection :
    Paroles d'experts
  • Date de publication :
    June 2015
  • Langue de la ressource :
  • Origine :
    Safety Academy
  • Volume :
  • Type de ressource :
  • A credo is a very strong belief that guides one's behaviour. In the industry, one credo is that of causality: things have a cause. So when accidents happen, the question is that of knowing what caused them.

    But can their causes always be found? What if the answer was no? What impact would this have on company policies and accident investigations?

    Erik Hollnagel revisits the notion of cause in complex systems and compiles a few messages for accident investigators.

    About the expert

    Erik Hollnagel is a worldwide expert in human performance in safety-critical systems. He is a Professor at the University of Southern Denmark and Chief Consultant at the Centre for Quality Improvement, Region of Southern Denmark.
    Prof. Hollnagel has published over 20 books and several hundreds of scientific articles. For more information: http://www.erikhollnagel.com/

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