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Just culture : because we are all humans
Posté le 25/10/2016
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Just culture : because we are all humansDUPLIQUE


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  • Improving safety implies learning from accidents and incidents so as to take appropriate action to avoid repeating them.

    Over the years, Eurocontrol has promoted and supported a change in civil and military aviation culture in this direction.

    Recognising the importance of incident reporting, a “just culture” environment has been defined, where staff members are not punished for any actions, omissions, or decisions commensurate with their experience and training. However, gross negligence, wilful violations and destructive acts are not tolerated.

    Error reporting is encouraged with the aim of learning from the past and those who submit reports are protected. At the same time, the rules and procedures must be clear, so that everyone knows what they are expected to do. Furthermore, while the management is responsible for instilling just culture in the work environment, each person is responsible for promoting it on every level.

    Just culture : because we are all humans

    Improving safety implies learning from accidents and incidents so as to take appropriate action to avoid repeating them.

    Over the years, Eurocontrol has promoted and supported a change in civil and military aviation culture in this direction.

    Recognising the importance of incident reporting, a “just culture” environment has been defined, where staff members are not punished for any actions, omissions, or decisions commensurate with their experience and training. However, gross negligence, wilful violations and destructive acts are not tolerated.

    Error reporting is encouraged with the aim of learning from the past and those who submit reports are protected. At the same time, the rules and procedures must be clear, so that everyone knows what they are expected to do. Furthermore, while the management is responsible for instilling just culture in the work environment, each person is responsible for promoting it on every level.

    © ICSI - Safety Academy