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A question of balance: staff and process safety
Posté le 22/01/2017
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A question of balance: staff and process safetyValidé traduit


  • Auteurs / Intervenants :
    Andrew Hopkins
  • Collection :
    Paroles d'experts
  • Date de publication :
  • Langue de la ressource :
  • Origine :
    Safety Academy
  • Volume :
  • Type de ressource :
  • While wearing a hard hat is important for protection, process safety includes many other practices. How can we ensure that staff safety coexists with process safety? How can we identify the gaps and measure their acceptability?

    Process safety indicators are often poorly adapted, as this aspect is neglected. It is, however, where efforts should be focused, as it may be responsible for the greatest damage and human losses.

    About the expert

    Andrew Hopkins is emeritus professor at the Australian National University. He is a renowned sociologist who specialises in occupational health and safety, and High Reliability Organizations. He has published many books and articles, and has also contributed to large-scale accidents investigations.

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