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Emergency preparedness : findings from CSB  accident investigations
Posté le 04/03/2015
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Emergency preparedness : findings from CSB accident investigationsValidé traduit


  • Auteurs / Intervenants :
    Chemical Safety Board
  • Collection :
    CSB- Anatomy of a disaster
  • Langue de la ressource :
  • Origine :
    Chemical Safety Board - accès négocié
  • Volume :
  • Type de ressource :
  • This video allows to learn from ten years of CSB investigations on getting prepared to chemical disasters.

    'It uses computer animations, interviews, and news footage to depict a series of chemical accidents that illustrate the need for effective training, communications, and community planning. In some incidents, firefighters and police were overcome by toxic chemicals and forced to retreat from neighborhoods; in others, firefighters and workers were tragically killed and others injured.(...)

    In addition to comments by CSB investigators and board members, the video features observations by fire chiefs, a state fire marshal, and an expert on emergency preparedness and local emergency planning.'

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