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Dangerously close: the explosion at the West Fertilizer company in Texas
Posté le 11/10/2017
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Dangerously close: the explosion at the West Fertilizer company in TexasValidé traduit


  • Auteurs / Intervenants :
  • Collection :
    CSB- Anatomy of a disaster
  • Date de publication :
    January 2016
  • Langue de la ressource :
  • Origine :
    Chemical Safety Board - accès négocié
  • Volume :
  • Type de ressource :
  • On 17 April 2013, a fire broke out at the West Fertilizer Company, which stored and sold fertilizer, chemicals, seeds, and agricultural equipment. This terrible accident left 15 dead (13 volunteer firemen and two members of the public) and over 260 injured. Thirty tonnes of ammonium nitrate caught fire, then exploded in the storage and distribution plant, causing widespread damage to the surrounding environment (schools, a hospital, homes, offices, etc.).

    The accident highlighted the lack of attention given to urban development in the preceding years, not to mention the fact that the company, local authorities, insurers, and advisory bodies had all underestimated the hazards involved in storing ammonium nitrate in flammable, wooden containers. Not only had the company failed to make proper preparations for such an event, but protection and surveillance measures proved to be totally inadequate.

    Furthermore, the emergency services were unprepared and lacked training in interventions involving chemical risks, which triggered several recommendations by the CSB to attempt to remedy this situation in the future.

    The video includes a 3D animation showing the various stages leading up to the accident and interviews with CSB officials in charge of the enquiry.

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