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A molten metal-water explosion: lessons learned from an industrial accident.
Posté le 12/05/2019
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A molten metal-water explosion: lessons learned from an industrial accident.Validé traduit


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    Partnership ICSI-BARPI
  • Volume :
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  • The in-depth analysis of an accident involving two explosions at a lower-tier Seveso smelting plant located in a sparsely-populated industrial area. There were no serious injuries, but the economic consequences were significant. The hazard analysis, which formed the basis for the facility’s plan to manage major accidents, had been carried out in accordance with the regulations in force. However, a failure occurred that was not documented in the literature. This unanticipated scenario contributed to the accident.

    How do electric arc vacuum furnaces work? What exactly happened? How did events unfold? How did risk management measures, although insufficient, limit the consequences of the explosion? How did operators make a positive contribution, going beyond rule-based safety? What about the equipment? And what about communication with the subcontractors who provided it?

    After having answered these questions in detail, this video, which includes animations, explores the circumstances surrounding the accident. We learn about the in-depth work that was subsequently carried out, notably the revision of the hazard analysis, the sharing of lessons learned with companies in the same industrial sector, and the deployment of training modules.

    This video was designed in conjunction with three complementary modules, or animations:

    - Situations that could become very serious ;

    - The concepts of initiative-based safety and rule-based safety ;

    - Shared awareness of major risks.


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