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Psychosocial risks and industrial safety
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Psychosocial risks and industrial safetyValidé traduit


  • Auteurs / Intervenants :
    Jean-Pierre Brun
  • Collection :
    Entretiens de l'ICSI
  • Date de publication :
    June 2011
  • Langue de la ressource :
  • Origine :
  • Volume :
  • Type de ressource :
  • In this video, Jean-Pierre Brun addresses three questions:

    • Can you unpack the concept of quality of life at work?
    • What are the possibilities for reciprocal learning between psychosocial risks and industrial safety?
    • What topics are common to psychosocial risks and industrial safety?

    For Jean-Pierre Brun, the concept of quality of life at work is comprehensive, not only reflecting health issues and psychosocial risks. It is broader and conveys the concepts of motivation, dissatisfaction, quality, and meaningful work that employees can express about their work.

    The report also explains that there is a set of good practices in psychosocial risk prevention approach, which provide benchmarks for safety levels at work and industrial safety. The good practices cited by Jean-Pierre Brun include: strong commitment by the management and social partners, active employee participation, employee training on risks, and primary prevention.

    Lastly, he indicates that, concerning psychosocial risks, it is essential to integrate health as a management decision criterion and take action on management practices. Companies need to consider the human impact of their management practices.

    About the speaker

    Jean-Pierre Brun is Professor of Management at the University of Laval (Canada), where he founded the Chair of Occupational health and safety management and an MBA in Occupational health and safety management.

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