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Death in the Oilfield
Posté le 02/03/2015
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Death in the OilfieldValidé traduit


  • Auteurs / Intervenants :
    Chemical Safety Board
  • Collection :
    CSB- Anatomy of a disaster
  • Date de publication :
    July, 2008
  • Langue de la ressource :
  • Origine :
    Chemical Safety Board - accès négocié
  • Volume :
  • Type de ressource :
  • "Three contactor workers died and a fourth was seriously injured in a rural oil production field in Raleigh, Mississippi on June 5, 2006. The contractors, all employees of Stringer's Oilfield Services, were completing piping connections between tanks when welding sparks ignited flammable vapor venting from one of the tanks.

    The CSB investigation determined in the rapport voted in June 2007, that neither Partridge-Raleigh nor Stringer's Oilfield Services (subcontractor) followed safe practices for hot work, which includes operations such as cutting, welding, and grinding that can generate sparks and ignite flammable materials.

    CSB issues a case study (here enclosed) to emphasize the importance of using safe hotwork procedures, and to provide hazard awareness training."

    These main documents are completed, on CSB site, with recommendations, related news and key lessons to prevent flammable vapor explosions caused by welding and cutting.

    Other related resources on the CSB website

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