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Psychosocial risks and industrial safety: what are the determinants and common research topics?
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Psychosocial risks and industrial safety: what are the determinants and common research topics?Validé traduit


  • Auteurs / Intervenants :
    François Daniellou
  • Collection :
    Entretiens de l'ICSI
  • Date de publication :
    June 2011
  • Langue de la ressource :
  • Origine :
  • Volume :
  • Type de ressource :
  • In this video, François Daniellou responds to three questions:

    • What is your point of view on the concept of work well done?
    • What determinants are shared by psychosocial risks and industrial safety?
    • Are there topics common to psychosocial risks and industrial safety ?

    In the field, workers take care to treat situations, with all their specific factors, by referring to the norm forecast by the experts. They also integrate the fact that their way of working will affect other people. This forms the basis of the concept of "work well done": do your work in a way that conforms to your motives and values, in relation to other human beings who are the recipients of your service.

    However, in some instances, the concept of "work well done" is in contradiction with the quality objectives of the organisation. Ensuring safety requires a of "rule-based safety" and "managed safety", to overcome the conflicts that generate psychosocial risks. Two shared topics in industrial risk prevention are managerial commitment and employee participation.

    About the speaker

    François Daniellou is Professor of Ergonomics at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Cognitique (National Higher Institute of Cognitive Science) at the Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux (Bordeaux Polytechnic Institute). As Head of the Department of system ergonomics, his research focuses specifically on human factors in high-risk industries. In this regard, he collaborates with the Institute for an Industrial Safety Culture.

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